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December 2004 news
December, 2004
be one more climb to the Everest North Face in Spring
2005. There will be large
team (now only list of the candidates, about 38 persons,
is published) from Russia, Byelorussia, Georgia, Armenia,
USA and Australia and the route in the very center of
the North Face. The expedition will begin in the early
March. Russianclimb will cover it. You can see the route
(red line). Green line - 2004 route. Detailes - in early
January 2005!
December, 2004 Amangeldy
speed ascent ( in honour of Anatoly
Boukreev), results:
- Denis Urubko (Central Sport Club of Army, Kazakhstan)
2 - Artjom Rychkov (Central Sport Club of Army, Kazakhstan)
3 - Andrey Puchinin
1 - Svetlana Sharipova (Central
Sport Club of Army, Kazakhstan)
2 - Natalia Aristova (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
3 - Violetta Afuksenidi (Central Sport Club of Army, Kazakhstan)
25 speed ascent to Amangeldy Peak - this
event in honour of Anatoly
Boukreev, who died Dec 25 1997 on Annapurna.
December, 2004 Alex Trubachof:
In quest of Russian Shambala
December, 2004 EX - Travels. Adventures. Extreme"
October-November/ 2004
December, 2004 Open CIS Mountaineering
Championship, winners:
- high-altitude-tech
class - Simone Moro (IT), Denis Urubko (KZ), Bruno Tassi
(IT), Boris Korshunov (RU), ascent of North Face of
Kali Himal, Himalaya, 6A grade.
- tech
class - team of club "Odessa" - V. Mogila
(UKR), A. Lavrinenko (UKR), V. Nikolaev (UKR), V. Cheban
(UKR), ascent to Asan (4230 m), NW Face, 6a grade.
- rock
class - D. Veiko (RU), S. Runichev (RU), coach A.A.
Kolchin (RU)- ascent peak Parandas, Fanskie Mountains,
Arkhipov route,87, right part of the North Face, 5B
grade. Congratulations!
December, 2004 Valery Babanov
was awarded by EXPLORER at Lodz Festival.
World's news
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter,
We reached base camp of the south face of Shisha Pangma
Dec, 24 after 2 days together with our caravan of 32
yaks. Today we fix tents of base camp. Tonight we celebrated
Christmas, Jan prepared a nice

tree in the dining tent. Next day we plan to go to ABC
and back to BC, to carry some loads. We wish all of
you our greetings and Merry Christmas!!!
Simone, Jan, Darek, Piotr, Jacek
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter,
The team is in Nyalam.
December, 2004
Magic Line team, led by Jordi Corominas,
awarded Spanish version of the Golden Ice-Axe.
Manel de la Matta was awarded a post mortem “Creu de
Sant Jordi” (Sant George’s Cross) medal reserved for
outstanding people in Catalonia.
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter,
Wonderful weather in Himalaya! Akklimatization continues...
And mean while, Jean-Christophe
Lafaille summited Shisha Pangma Dec,. 11, solo.
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter,
Today we are in Lobuche. Tomorrow we would like to go
to 5600-5700 meters on the ridge of Lobuche Peak and
than to traverse to Khala Pattar.
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter,
Simone Moro: Today the 3 polish friends reached 5000
meters climbing a hill above Dingboche. Tomorrow we
will go to Lobuche and the day after to Khala Pattar.
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter,
Simone Moro: we are in Deboche and have choose some
mountains for future climbs...
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter,
Simone Moro: we are in Namche Bazar now.
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter:
- DEC,
21 I left my computer and modem behind in the bin. Instead,
I’m writing with Piotr’s PC because he’s come up on the roof
of the hostel where we’re staying in order to send messages.
We’re sentries up here...
arrived in Nyalam today. We left yesterday because today there
was supposed to be a strike with numerous blockades on the
street from Kathmandu to the border. Unfortunately, although
we left yesterday we still had problems half an hour before
Kodhari (on the border of Nepal and China). A military street
blockade with a barbed wire and machine gunners lined up forced
us to wait until the next day to continue. We were able to
sleep in a small private house and eat in a hut for the Nepalese.
The block was due to an armed clash with Maoists a few hours
prior to our arrival, which had killed 11 people! This morning
we left and passed the "Friendship Bridge," crossing
into Tibet. We met Dawa, the liason officer and Nawang, who
was the liason officer for JC Lafaille. He told us that the
French alpinist had arrived in Tibet on the 11th of November.
A few days ago, before returning to Nepal, he gave Lafaille
the certificate which proves his climb to the peak at 14:00
on December 11th, but he did not write "WINTER EXPEDITION"
even though the Frenchman insisted he write it because he
didn’t consider it a winter climb. Nawang says that he has
10 years of expedition experience in all 4 seasons and Lafaille’s
climb was not to be registered with the TMA as a "WINTER
EXPEDITION" but as "LATE AUTUMN." Anyone can
contact Nawang at the TMA in order to confirm this. The French
alpinist got his Chinese Visa extended because he only intended
to stay 30 days and as he entered Tibet and started the expedition
before December 1st, he acted with the normal autumn permission.
With all this news and clarification, added to the scientific
one of the world season calendar which says that winter starts
the 21st of December, we must consider that Shisha Pangma
has never been conquered in winter. Now it’s up to us to see
if this climb is possible....
- DEC,
22 Today we finaly start from Nyalam. Yesterday we hardly
discuss with the yak drivers and Liason officier about the
weight that each yak can carry and price of the extra yak
we have to take. The yak drivers said that each yak can carry
40 kg. but the truth is that 60 kg is the normal weight agreed
since ever with them and TMA. In this way we discussed for
some hours and at the end we agreed that we will take and
pay 10 extra yaks and other 5 extra will be paid from TMA.
Totally we started this morning wiht 32 yaks to transport
our 1606 kg of equipment, gas, kerosene, food and all necessary
to remain for 2 month at B.C and on high camps. The weather
is still good even the temperature went down in compare of
one week before.
Bye, Simone. Translation by Jonathan Etes
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter:
Today we spent time to reach the Lobuche Peak shoulder at
5700meters to increase our acclimatisation. We get wonderful
view and the weather remained good also today. From the point
we reached we had a incredible view on Cho Oyu, Pumori, Everest,
Nuptse, Makalu, Baruntse, Ama Dablam and many others peaks.
Tonight we will remain at 5000 meters in Lobuche and tomorrow
we will trek to Chukhung at 4700 meters, 2 hours from Island
Peak Base Camp. Also today we took a lot of photos because
it was impossible to resist at the magnificent view...
11: In another sunny day we arrived in Chukhung 4750 m starting
from Lobuche 4950 m and passing throw Dingboche at 4400 m.
Tomorrow we (I, Camos and one client called Massimo) will
go to Island Peak BC and in the afternoon we will go to C1
to spend the night. The day after we hope to reach the 6182
meters of the summit. Two polish member of our group will
start tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. to go directly to the
summit and on the way back they will spent the night with
us at C1 to make same acclimatisation program than us. Today
we get the news that the information we get at the beginning
of expedition about someone, and French, that undeclared could
be at Shisha base camp was true. The French climber JC Lafaille
is going alone to the summit of Shisha in these hours. We
wish him to get success without any problems. He will take
at home a nice and important climb at late autumn and close
the games with Shisha. JC like me climbed central summit and
not main during the previous expedition.
also hope to reach the summit and realize the first winter
climb of the mountain in the next weeks. As established from
the world seasons calendar we will respect the time and we
will start our trekking to Shisha the 21st December (first
day of the calendar winter).
Simone and all team, Dec 11
13: Yesterday and today we get two positive days. All the
team summited Island Peak. WE get incredible view from the
top. THe weathercondition last 12-15 days were really good
and warm. WE stand without gloves at the summit. Tomorrow
we will start descent to Deboche., and then will move to Kathmandu.
In these days we begin to discuss our strategies to use in
our winter Shisha climb. Ciao. Simone and the team.
14: the team is going to Kathmandu. They met Jan Zsulk in
Namche. Guys saw the news about the JC Lafaille climb on Shisha:
"With huge surprise and a big laugh we saw the photo
of the "new line" of JC, because we discovered that
50% of that route is our route of last winter (green line)!!!!!
We have photos and film of that line
made last December and January (till the point where the route
cross the number 5 and 6). We didn't considered that part
as new because the aim of the Spanish route we climbed was
to follow the big coloir from the base of the wall to the
summit, and our line had been only the physiological variant
in order to the ice and weather conditions. In any case we
sent many photos already one years ago to my web site and
the most important world web site and our line and story should
be well known.
In any case we would like to congratulate JC Lafaille for
the good climb and the success. Really!
We also would like to congratulate him for the tactics.....
We really don't want to make any discussion and polemics.
The world is already full of wars and problems and we believe
that should be stupid to increase the "bordel" with
extra stupid discussion".
Simone, Darek, Piotr

Camos & Simone

the top

at the top
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter: Today we are in
Lobuche. The view on Nuptse, Pumori, Lingtrena and Khumbutse
is extremely beautiful. We get blu sky and nice temperature
also today and we hope it will continue also in the next days.
Tomorrow we would like to go to 5600-5700 meters on the ridge
of Lobuche Peak and than to traverse to Khala Pattar.
Also today we took many photos and some of them we are sending
Today I and Tassi Bruno "Camos" received a very good
news... Our climb of 4th may 2004 on Khali Himal 7066 m throw
a new route on the north-west face won the URSS championship
in the category Hi- Altitude Technical. Denis Urubko had been
our third partner in that climb and he get us the news.... We
are really so happy and in Kathmandu we will make party!!
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter: Second day spent
in Dingboche and around the village. The weather still continue
to be very good and our acclimatisation period continue in the
best conditions. Today the 3 polish friends reached
5000 meters climbing a hill above Dingboche. I, Camos and Max
went to Chuchhkung to get lunch and take picture of Island Peak
and an unnamed and unclimbed peak in that area. The local people
gave on name of that mountain Kank Lemo but on the map there
is only the elevation 6202. We are sending you the photo of
the south side of that mountain. Could be interesting to climb
the west face we also saw today....
Tomorrow we will go to Lobuche and the day after to Khala Pattar
at 5500 meters. We hope to charge the batteries of our computer
tomorrow so we will continue to send reports...
Ciao from all the team. Simone. 8 Dec
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter: Also in this fourth
day of trekking the sun is shinng in the blu sky. Our fotocamera
and videocamera don’t stop to work because the view is so nice
even I had been in this valley more than 20 times...
Yesterday we spend our second day in Nanche making an escursion
to Thame and back. We went there to see some mountains to choose
as future climbing project and 2 of them had been the fvourit..
We send herewith their photos.... Now we are in Deboche at the
famous “Ama Dablam Garden Lodge” at 3750 m. Tomorrow we will
trek to Dingboche at 4410 meters and we will remain 2 days there
to get better acclimatisation. So follow us and very soon we
will start to send you also some video.... if we will find to
charge our batteries
Simone & the team, December,6
December, 2004 Shisha Pangma Winter: Ciao!! After 2
days of preparing all equipmen in Kathmandu we started
our acclimatisation period in the Khumbu valley. We will spend
2 weeks here reaching Khala Pattar 5550 m and Island Peak nearly
6200 m. Arrived in Napal we heard about one climber that alon
is attempting Shisha in these days. Nobody knows who is he and
he gave order to the persons he met here to say nothing obout
him... we get information that he could be French but is no
confirmed news.
In any case winter begins the 21 december and we will start
our expedition to Shisha only after that date. Now we are in
Namche Bazar and we will spend 2 days here trekking tomorrow
to Thame and back. The weather is wonderful and all the team
feel good. We hope everything will continue like that..... Simone
& C., December,4.
December, 2004 " EXPLORERS FESTIVAL ", Lodz
(Poland), on November, 17-22.
Babanov: The sixth Festival of films, slide show, books and
magazines, and everything
that deals with Adventure and Explorers. The Festival gatheres
a lot of interesting people. This time VIP guests were Doug
Scott from England and Thomas Huber from Germany. Rejnhold Messner
was at Festival in 2001. This year I was invited, to show slides
and to tell about my ascentions.
not a close way from Canada to Poland for me. But, nevertheless...
My slide show has been planned to November, 20, for the evening.
The same day Doug Scott acted . Thomas Huber acted in the early
afternoon. We did not manage to meet, unfortunately. That's
a pity that I was only 1,5 days there at all.
performance proceeded 1,5 hours, and has gathered about 700-800
people. The hall has been overflown. Many people sat simply
on the floor and in passes.
spoke in Russian, and Agate translated into Polish. After I
have finished the performance, people have risen and applauded
me costing very long! Certainly, it was extraordinary pleasant.
- an official part of the Festival. Rewarding. As a rool, within
the framework of festival, 1-2 persons are awarded for their
achievements connected to subjects of festival " Adventure
and Explorers ".
Doug Scott and me were awarded this time by EXPLORER. It was
pleasant to receive a nice prize, and, certainly, the recognition
of all I have made and I continue to do.
inscription on the Diploma:
The diploma and the award
On November, 21 2004.
Mr Valery Babanov, Russia
awarded for long-term presence at the world of high mountains,
for his achievements in highest-grade climbs, which strengthen
our conviction that the person and his belief in human's opportunities
allows us to come closer once again to a limit, which we are
constantly aspire to reach.
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