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Serguey Brodsky (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Current project: Kazakhstan National team project


Candidate to the Master of Sports



Many time Winner and many time Prizer in Kazakhstan Mountaineering Championship in high-altitude class

Winner in Open CIS Mountaineering Championship in 2002 in high-altitude class, in Open Kyrgyzstan Mountaineering Championship in 2001.

Winner in speed ascent of Belukha in 2002 (6h 06 min) - BC- top-BC

6 ascents 5-6 Russian grade during 2001-2003

The main ascents:

1. Mramornaya Stena (6435 m), normal route, 4B 2000

2. Mramornaya Stena (6435 m), normal route, 4B 2001

3. Khan Tengri (7010 m) , normal route, North, 5B 2001

4. Kangchenjunga (8586), South-West, 2002 without oxygen


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